India is suffering from a disease called ‘Democracy’.
Everyone can’t be a speaker. Some have to be listeners. Because listeners are the Doers. And doers are the change-makers.
So democracy or dictatorship?
India has a better chance to grab the business opportunities from other Countries as an alternative to China. Since China has created a paranoia with minimal justification, the forecast is, many countries depending on China for their’ manufacturing support will move to India. The other option the world has is Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.
India might seem a lucrative option compared to any other country to the Investors. We might win the competition over any other country due to the statistics our country shows – 130 cr population, 68 million graduates, 43% of the total population in the age group of 18 to 44 yrs ( the highly productive phase of the age) and nearly 10 % more in the age group of 44 to 54 yrs (still the employable group) keeping the average age of an Indian to 29 years according to 2011 census , (rightly called – Young India) , which has grown proportionately now, 7th largest country in the world, ranking 4th in the world in natural resources. What else? But, how will we sustain?

How will we accommodate these countries and the business opportunity? How will we prepare to accommodate them?
What is the transformation we need to undergo?
A country with a mindset of the population – ‘Degree is the criteria for getting a job’.
Companies are always on the hunt for good resources. Industry is suffering due to unavailability of the right resources. Higher rates of attrition are causing project delays. Here we have headlines stating unemployment as a burning issue. Resource availability, Skill issue or will issue? What is the underlying truth?
Designations are more attractive than the quest for knowledge and zeal to deliver.
Resource approach: Everybody wants to be a Manager, dictate terms, enjoy the luxury of the authority and higher pay package, not understanding their contribution to the system from their current role.

The way we revolt….
We have a voice, so we will voice out everything coming to our mind through revolution, strike or with the support of media. Everyone’s pain needs attention by blowing it out of proportion. Resolution isn’t the only aim. Noise is also the aim. ‘You need to stand for yourself, no matter what’. But the way we do it is so ridiculous. We revolt in a way which yields to our own long term damages. These revolts cause irreversible damages. Any fair chance of recovery takes years and decades.
No one wants to follow the right leader. Everyone wants to be one. We follow a leader with destructive ideologies rather than constructive ones. There are very few leaders – wise and selfless. Else most of them are keen on making a statement, irrespective of the chaos the statements may create. Leaders need to be orators only or strategic thinkers?
Most of them think adversely or momentarily than aligning to the benefit of the Country and Community. Too much wisdom about unnecessary and nonproductive things exhausting the bandwidth further delaying the growth of the country. Personal and individual gains are priority as compared to community gains.

Only one set of people is in alignment with law making and law abiding process. Rest of the majority are only commentators. These people can debate for days and months, to prove the law or the rule as wrong. Such approach lead to delay in Implementations. This delay results into non availability of data to measure the outcome of amendments made. It dilutes the purpose of amendment by the time data is available.
The definition of hard work means number of man-hours, quality and quantity of work. Management of resources is on extreme sides at both ends. Either the management is too ruthless or the workers are too dominating, lazy and take advantage. Laws do not give an upper hand of control to the victim in any case either, in a defined time period.
Industry suffers from attrition, underperformance, lack of accountability and ownership in the deliverables. No yardstick to measure and record workers’ performance or integrity.
No common forum by Govt or a central body to define the benchmark and SOP of any technical, non-technical activity.
Industry is slowly reducing the efforts in the development of the employee. Either by means of training or any other investment on employee’s development. The reason is eventually the investment on resources is a loss, when the employee leave without adding value to the organization.

Government’s changing decisions and processes with every new party who replaces the earlier. Every Govt coming to power within 1,2 3 or 5 yrs at state level have different agendas. These leaders push behind the running projects to the backstage creating fear for the MNC’s by keeping their projects on status quo for longer duration delaying their ROI schedules. Time overrun takes the project cost higher. There is no audit mechanism of projects to secure the investment and complete projects on time irrespective of which Govt is in power.
The Grants, licenses and documentation are time consuming. Its complicated because of people’s non cooperative approach, is another roadblock. Superficially every process seem like ‘one window support’ as written and published. But ground realities vary drastically.
There has to be a platform which will give control to the Govt rather than the Employees. The Corporate Governance need better rules. On the other hand develop an attrition control method. Devising compulsory fixed tenure for employees in each organization. Introduce automated evaluation mechanism to measure employee performance giving the Employer better confidence to develop the Resource. Save time and money of the Industry, lost in all this transition of resources leading completion of assignment or projects without hassles.
Our Country’s financial strength is visible in times of pandemic, recession or any other natural disasters. Our turnaround-time to come back to normalcy will portray the strength of our Economy. We ought to redefine the meaning of ‘democracy’ in India to reduce the impact of such a scenario benefiting every single person in this country.